

  • 名称:【中国人民大学】德国哲学选
  • 分类:哲学课程  
  • 观看人数:加载中
  • 时间:2023/6/23 21:09:50



本课程是对德国古典哲学的基础文献、康德《纯粹理性批判》(1781/87)一书的阅读和讲授课。课程的目标是给学生提供关于康德这部最重要著作的基本知识。基本知识包括《纯粹理性批判》的历史语境(与康德前批判时期的著作和康德同时代18 世纪德国哲学家思想的关系,如沃尔夫、鲍姆加登、克努岑、克鲁修斯等)和当代康德学界对相关形而上学和知识论问题的讨论(例如时空的先验性、先验观念论、A/B 版范畴的先验演绎、概念论与非概念论、相容论等)。课程内容是对《纯粹理性批判》一书的阅读,阅读内容包括先验感性论、范畴的先验演绎、原则系统、反驳观念论、现象与物自体的划分、纯粹理性的谬误推理、二律背反和理想、纯粹理性的方法论等。课程以讲授为主,要求学生阅读每节课的材料、按时参与课程(30 分),学期结束时提交一篇课程论文(70分)。*课程简介


This course is devoted to a close reading of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason(1781/87)which lays foundation for classical German Philosophy. The course aims toprovidestudents with basic knowledge of this seminal work of Kant. To this end, our readingwill

primarily situate Kant’s Copernican turn in the context of eighteen century Germanphilosophy (Kant’s pre-critical works on the one hand, and works of his contemporarieson the other hand, such as Wolff, Baumgarten, Knutzen, Crusius and others), andrelateshis philosophical thinking to contemporary debates on metaphysics and epistemologyofKant scholarship (such as ideality of space and time, transcendental idealism, transcendental deduction of categories, conceptualism and non-conceptualism, compatibilism etc.). Reading materials include chapters of CPR, such as transcendental

aesthetic, transcendental deduction of categories, system of principles, refutationofidealism, distinction between appearance and thing-in-itself, paralogism, antinomiesandideals of pure reason, transcendental doctrine of method etc.). This course is alecture. Regular attendance and reading materials are required (30% of the final mark). Atermpaper is due at the end of the semester (70% of the final mark).