

  • 名称:医学英语教程精读
  • 分类:生物医药  
  • 观看人数:加载中
  • 时间:2024/7/10 14:21:34








13  Diagnosis, the determination of the nature of adisease, is based on many factors, including the signs, symptoms, and, often,laboratory results. Laboratory tests include such familiar procedures asurinalysis, blood chemistry, electrocardiography, and radiography. New diagnostic-imagingtechniques such as computerizedtomography (CT scan), radiology, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine provide avisualization never before possible. Diagnostic procedures used in determiningvarious diseases are discussed for each system. A physician also derivesinformation for making a diagnosis from a physical examination, frominterviewing the patient or a family member, and from a medical history of thepatient and family. The physician, having made a diagnosis, may state thepossible prognosis of thedisease, or the predicted course, and outcome of the disease.


14  The treatment considered most effective isprescribed and may include medication, surgery, radiation therapy, or possiblypsychological counseling. A patient may be advised to change habits oflife-style such as overeating, smoking, alcohol abuse, or to avoid a stressfulsituation if possible.


15 The course of adisease varies; it may have a sudden onset and short term, in which case it isan acute disease. A disease may begin insidiously and be long-lived,or chronic. The term chronic is derived from theGreek word chronos fortime. Diseases that will end in death are called terminal. The signs and symptoms of a chronic disease attimes subside, during a period known as remission.They may recur in all their severity in a period of exacerbation. Certain diseases, leukemia and ulcerative colitis,for example, are characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. Arelapse at times occurs when a disease returns weeks or months after itsapparent cessation.


16  Complications frequently occur, meaning that a disease develops ina patient already suffering from another disease. Patients confined to bed witha serious fracture frequently develop pneumonia as a complication of the inactivity.Infection of the testes may be acomplication of mumps, particularly after puberty. Anemia generally accompaniesleukemia, cancer, and chronic kidney disease. Bacterial infection frequentlyfollows certain predisposing factors such as kidney stones, heart defects, andan enlarged prostate gland.


17  Theaftermath of a particular disease iscalled the sequela, a sequel. The permanent damage to the heart afterrheumatic fever is an example of a sequela, as is the paralysis of polio. The sterility resulting from severeinflammation of the fallopian tubesis also a sequela.


18  Diseases can be classified in many ways. Forinstance, they can be considered according to the general mechanisms of diseaseand in the physiologic systems in which they are a factor. General healthproblems include allergies, malnutrition, obesity, and alcoholism.


19  An understanding of disease, its cause, theway it affects the body, effective treatments, and its possible prognosisshould enable the health professional to alleviatesuffering, anxiety, and fear in those who are ill.


20  The body attempts to maintain homeostasis inthe midst of ever-changing conditions. It senses a deficiency in the working ofan organ and tries to compensate for it. The response to a significant disturbancein the body’s homeostasis can resemble the sign of disease.


21  Disease is an unhealthy state of a body part,a system, or the body as a whole. It may result from a structural anomaly, afunctional condition, or trauma. Many factors can cause disease: infectiousagents, heredity, environmental conditions, malnutrition, and stress. The causeof a disease is sometimes unknown. Etiology is the cause of a disease.Pathology is the branch of medicine that studies the etiology, characteristics,and effects of disease, in other words, its pathogenesis.


22  Disease manifests itself by signs andsymptoms, objective and subjective indications of its presence. In somediseases a certain combination of signs and symptoms occur as in Down’ssyndrome.


23  Diagnoses of disease are based on manyfactors, signs and symptoms, laboratory tests, physical examination, andpatient and family histories. The most suitable treatment is then prescribed.The disease may be acute or chronic; signs of a chronic disease frequentlysubside or exacerbate. Understanding the various aspects of disease enables thehealth professional to serve those who are ill in a comprehensive manner.
