

  • 名称:上海外国语大学-高级英语精
  • 分类:四六级考试  
  • 观看人数:加载中
  • 时间:2022/4/6 21:57:52













1、阅读理解 (20%)

2、词汇 (10%)

3、完形填空 (10%)

4、成段改错 (10%)

5、句型转换 (10%)

6、汉译英 (40%)


















Test of Advanced English (I) (Sample)

Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (20%)

1.Read the following passage carefully and then choose ONE from the given options to answer each question. Put the letter of your choice in the corresponding bracket of the ANSWER SHEET.

1.The idea of victory and defeat in war has been changed because

A. winners of the war can no longer become richer or more powerful.

B. both sides now would lose more than they gained.

C. modern weapons make it possible for a small country to defeat a big one.

D. people all over the world are not interested in war

2.Read the following passage carefully and then judge whether the statements are true or false by writing T or F.

1. We can infer from the text that Jim Crow is the boy’s name.

Ⅱ Multiple Choice (10%)

Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Put the letter of your choice in the corresponding bracket of the ANSWER SHEET.

1. The doctor did not _____ to him his hopeless condition.

A. expose B. reveal C. uncover D. betray


Ⅲ Cloze (10%)

Complete each of the words with initial letters given in the brackets by referring to the missing parts of the following passage with corresponding numbers.

Brain versus Computers

In science fiction there is to be found the recurrent theme of the omniscient computer which ultimately takes over the ordering of human life and affairs. Is this possible? I believe it is not; but I also believe that the arguments commonly advanced to refute this possibility are the wrong o_____. First, it is often said that computers “do not really think.” This, I submit, is nonsense; if computers do not think, then n_____ do human beings. For how do I detect the process of thinking? I present data --- say, an examination paper --- to a student, which he scans with a photoelectric organ we call an “eye”; the computer scans its d_____ with a photoelectric organ we call a “tape-reader.” 


IV Proofreading (10%)

The following passage contains several errors, each line with a maximum of one error. And ATTENTION, some lines might be free from error. In each case only one word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct the errors in the following way:

For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.

For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.

For an unnecessary word, cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.

For a correct line, place a tick “√”in the blank provided at the end of the line.

It was market day so people and traffic had been pouring into the town since early morning. There was not enough room for all the pedestrians on the pavement and they overflowed into the road, endangering their 

(1)lives from passing vehicles, the drivers which were constantly blowing their (2)horns to convince people to get out of the way. Yet it was a colorful view. (3)Peasants swayed along the street, their heads being piled high with baskets (4)or beautifully woven blankets which they hoped to sell to the townfolks. (5)Men with barrows forced their way along shouting their wares at the top of (6)their voices. Through it all, women with bright summer clothes threaded (7)their way, laughing and chattering but children darted in and out of the (8)crowds shrieking with laugh or sobbing with fear because they were lost. (9)The noise went on all day. People did not even stop for every meal. The (10)rubbish from all the activities of the day began to collect in the street. Finally, when night came, the street was empty and only the rubbish remained sadly blowing in the cool night wind. 

(1) _____

(2) _____

(3) _____

(4) ______

(5) _____

(6) _____

(7) _____

(8) _____

(9) _____

(10) _____ 

V Rewrite the following (10%)

For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as close in meaning as possible to the original sentence by using the given words as the beginning. 

1. Almost a century later his manuscripts in the National Library in Dublin still glow with the power his passion.

By reading his manuscripts 

VI Translate the following underlined parts into English (40%)

1). 1.当学习英语的外国学生得知英语中竟有四十多万单词,(尚未包括哩语)时,他们可能会丧失信心和勇气,但是他们应该鼓起勇气,因为超过半数的单词,早已被历史所淘汰,现在已经不流通。2.即使是莎士比亚也只使用了大概两万单词而已。现在的英国人平均词汇量大概在一万二千到一万三千左右。3.尽可能地充实你的词汇量当然是件好事,但实际上如果拥有一万单词,你就可以满足大量的口头和书面表达的需要了。4.问题在于要对你所懂得的词汇了如指掌才能运用自如。准确地掌握两个词胜过含糊地懂得三个。优秀的木匠并非因其拥有的工具数量出名,而是因其使用这些工具的精湛技术而出名。
