



An examination of Hobbes’s lifetime reveals that the uncertainty of the British monarchy (君主政体)during his life (1588-1679) inspires Hobbes’s social and political thought, especially regarding the role of the sovereign to provide for the security of his subjects. We consider the major elements of Hobbes’s political and social thought including the state of nature, equality of men, the social contract, the strong sovereign, and legitimate rule. Hobbes’s work privileges security of individuals through a strong sovereign but also asserts the right of subjects to transfer their allegiance to a new sovereign if the ruler does not provide for their security; this element of his work in particular and others made him a controversial thinker who was forced into exile for a time. His work has been rediscovered in recent years by economists and other social scientists who see him as the first rational choice theorist.


Hobbes, Leviathan

- Chapter 6-7, pp. 118-134

- Chapter 11, pp. 160-168

- Chapter 13-14, pp. 183-201

- Chapter 17, pp. 223-228

- Chapter 30, pp. 376-394


John Locke, a liberal thinker and near-contemporary of the conservative Hobbes, disputes Hobbes’s thinking in some keys ways and builds on it in others. Locke starts his political theory with a notion of individuals in the state of nature being free, equal and reasonable; the state of nature is not synonymous with the state of war for Locke as it is for Hobbes. Locke argues that states should protect the property of individuals and must govern with the consent of subjects. Unlike Hobbes’s strong, unitary sovereign, Locke envisions a separation of the powers of the state into executive, legislative, and federative powers. We examine how Locke’s political and social thought assumes an abundance of resources while Hobbes’s thought is predicated on an assumption of scarcity.


Locke,Second Treatise of Government

- Chapter 1-5, pp. 267-302

- Chapter 7-13, pp. 318-374



